In the United States, What is a Minority?

Injustice reigns when everyone can be a minority

Pamela Denise Long


Photo by Melanie Kreutz on Unsplash

Words matter. In fact, words create worlds.

The USA is such a place where words have significant implications for policy, practice, and justice. America has a well-storied and documented history. In these United States, “minority” is one word with great power and legal precedents. “Minority” status still has relevance in Negro equity seeking.

The federal government codified the term “minority” to disaggregate population statistics and right the wrongs done to historically marginalized U.S. populations. Basically, to outline economic and programmatic redress for the clearly documented, people-specific domestic historical wrongs within our nation. Wrongs which still haven’t been fully redressed for American Negroes.

And now, the federal government needs to operationally update “minority” to fix the atrocious impacts of abuse of the term and effects of poor monitoring during allocation of “minority” programs/resources.

That re-codification must be done in a historically contextualized way…with deference/exclusivity given to the historically marginalized founding population…not foreign nations and not nations within our nation (such as Native Americans who are subject to their own tribal laws and…



Pamela Denise Long

Justice happens through you. -Denise Opinions Mine. All Posts Copyright 2023 Pamela Denise Long. All rights reserved. Twitter: @PDeniseLong